Conditional Love(collaboration)

I’m so happy, that people want to collaborate with me third time, thank you so much

This is Mine:

What Is Conditional Love?

Your boyfriend says you look beautiful, but you better not gain any weight. Your parents praise your good grades, but withdraw if your marks start to slip. Your best friend cheers on the team if you win, but disappears if you lose. Conditional love is dependent on what you do rather than who you are — and is easily withdrawn if you don’t measure up. Being able to recognize conditional love will allow you to break free from an incessant scramble to live up to other people’s expectations.

Examples of Conditional Love:
(Fake Love)

  • I will love you only if you make me feel good.
  • I will love you only if you maintain your attractive looks.
  • I will love you only if you are successful and popular.
  • I will love you only if you do what I say.
  • I will love you only if you believe what I believe.
  • I will love you only if you keep supporting my bad habits.
  • I will love you only if you are great in bed.
  • I will love you only if I have control over you.
  • I will love you only if I approve of your life decisions.
  • I will love you only if you behave properly.
  • I will love you only if you love me.

This is Her:
Conditional or unconditional love depend of the people, their personalities. We all different and have different perspective in life.

Some people need condition to love they need to have some kinda “rules”. They can habe a difficult past, have been disapointed too much in their life or simply don’t trust in thrmself. Because of all this they have sole requirement to feel safe. To leave more peacefully. I think it should be a mutual work to find the right balance when one person is like this in a couple or even both. To limit the feeling of restriction, but also to don t remove all “barrier” because they Ill imagine too much and it will affect their mind.

Thank you for reading. Let us make a beautiful world together. God bless!

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COPYRIGHT © Shubham Verma

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