392. How a Mind Loves…


A happy soul, often wishes you all..

To be happy always, you and all yours,

Never ignore the next ones, the ones near you,

Better than yourself, they know you more,

Whom you often tend to ignore,

Or they’re taken for granted, and that’s for sure..!!

Before running…

After the one, whom you admire,

Stop, think, turn around,

Stretch your arms to hold on to,

The one, who adores you, running…

After you, for you, only towards you..!!

While yearning for the dark night’s light,

You run after the charming Moonlight,

Leaving the day’s Sun much behind..

Who, in order to illuminate your path, influences the Moon,

While you think, to your utter delight,

That, whatever ahead, it’s your Moon’s Light..!!

We always love…

To love the one, whom we love,

Ignoring the ones, who love us,

A selfish love misguides us,

While preferring the ones, who…

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